Friday 13 February 2009

Guitar Playing and Star Wars.

You know how you think you're doing kind of good at something and then something completely blows you out of the water? I know there's always a bigger fish, but fuck me. The Human abstract are a band from LA who are just devine. Listening to their "Nocturne" album and I can play parts of it, but deary me, the rest of it is just really hard. It's part way between awe and jealousey that I'm feeling right now. There isn't a flaw in the band at all, both guitarists are fantastic, drummer is excellent, bassist is awesome, and the singer is pretty good aswell... Which is pretty good because singers are usually the part of the band that I don't rate as much.
As I say, I can play bits of Crossing the Rubicon and that's about it. I can't play through the song because my hands simply can't move like that. I know everyone says that about this kind of stuff but it's true. I struggle with sweep picking as it is and they do it like it was just something that fell out of their hands.

Also, been reading 'Betrayal' which is the first of 9 'legacy of the force' Star Wars books. It is good but sometimes it drops a couple of bombshells that leave you quite destrought. For example: there was a (seemingly) happy go lucky scene where Leia Organa Solo is telling Han Solo off for being mean to Zekk (a friend of their daughters ) and then all of a sudden they mention Chewbacca and it says "Chewbacca has been dead for a decade" or something to that effect.
Now, consider that I'm only just starting to read up on the stuff that happened after episode 6 but I have a general knowledge of Yuuhzan Vong War and Jacen Solo as Darth Caedus and all that. And I knew that Chewy had to die sometimes but it was a almost a bit heartless how they told me as they did.
There no record in any Star Wars literature or anything of the death of Jar Jar Binks... where's the justice? He came close enough times in the animated series of the Clone Wars when I find myself just wishing he would have slipped that bit further or, you know, just get shot to shit.
Anyway... yeah, I'm reading this book because not only is it pretty cool (and obvs star wars) but because I've got 'Bloodlines', 'Tempest' and 'Exile' on my shelf to read after it. I must say, I'm really getting into this legacy of the force malarky.
Loving the analogies aswell: "If you're trying to embarress me, you're talking into a dead comlink." =P

P.S. After the title of this blog... yes, yes I have learnt to play the Star Wars theme. I'm THAT cool.

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