Sunday, 8 February 2009

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hidden Characters

Ok, there aren't any more hidden characters than the ones you already know about but after playing it with the guys it kind of got me thinking of who would be the best character to choose, or even, who would be the best character to play as full stop. The game is supposed to be an ultimate showdown kind of game but only includes characters that were brought to us by nintendo and even though there are some pretty cool ones there. I'm sure that you'd agree that it would be a whole lot cooler if there were characters from other places.

Firstly, some kind of Jedi. It just makes perfect sense that if you're going to have a showdown that there has to be some variety of Jedi. As to who, it depends on your personal preference, whether you like Luke Skywalker or Darth Vadar from the original series or Darth Maul or Count Dooku from the prequal trilogy. Then you've got to take into account the extended universe and god knows how many other Jedi from all around the place. I think my choice would have to be Mace Windu since he has the super power of being Samuel L Jackson. It was close however, I do very much like Plo Koon.

Then you need someone who's just going to plain kick your ass and chew gum... damn, I'm all out of gum. Yes, that's right, Duke Nukem. Doesn't anyone else want to see Duke shooting a crater through Yoshi? Kick ass character with a bad ass attitude just waiting to corrupt children by means of harmless fun on the wii.

Anonymous: we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we drive your cars, we connect your calls, we clean your houses, we do your dishes, we sweep your streets, we change your oil, we chnage your oir, we mop your floors, we mow your lawn, we guard you while you sleep... Do not fuck with us! Internet superheroes will always win.

The Locnar, a green orb that fucks you up for its own amusement. It wouldn't even need to fight though, it'd just have the other characters fight each other to try and get it. Even then when you touch it you'll just dissolve. Basically, Locnar = Ticket to win.

Bio Rex, Zoda, James McCloud, Samurai Goroh, Pico, Dr. Clash, Red Gazelle... MOAR F-ZERO CHARACTERS!!! Lol... Just 'cos.

Jesus, go on, put him up there...
Sorry, yes, bad joke, but I just thought I'd throw it in there to wrap it up. =P

1 comment:

  1. Samus Aran would still kick the shit out of any of them.
